Since his death in 2011, Apple mastermind Steve Jobs has been the subject of documentaries, books, a film and even a graphic novel. Now the technology pioneer will be immortalized in song as the focus of an upcoming opera. 自2011年死一火之后jiusewang,苹果之父史蒂夫•乔布斯成了多部记录片和册本、一部电影、致使还有一部漫画演义的主题。当前,乔布斯又将会成为翌日一部歌剧的主题,这位科技前驱将在歌声中永垂永久。
The Santa Fe Opera, based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, announced on August 5 that it has commissioned a new production based on Jobs that will premier in 2017. Entitled 'The Revolution of Steve Jobs', it will find the creator of the computer mouse and iPhone reflecting on his own mortality while recalling people and events from his life that inspired him. 圣塔菲歌剧院位于好意思国新墨西哥州阿尔布开克市。8月5日该剧院晓喻,还是托付他东说念主制作一部以乔布斯为主题的作品,于2017年首映。在这部名为《改变时间的史蒂夫•乔布斯》的歌剧中,这位电脑鼠标和iPhone的发明者,在回忆东说念主生进程中曾启发过他的东说念主和事时,也在反念念我方的气运。
Jobs operated from in his garage in Los Altos, California, and with partner Steve Wozniak released the compact Apple II at the time Albuquerque was a technology hub. He was fired from Apple in 1985 in a board coup but came back 11 years later. On his second tour, he introduced the iMac, the iPod and the iPhone. That journey is the perfect story for an opera, General Director Charles MacKay said. 乔布斯从他在加州洛斯阿尔托斯市的车库起步,他和合激动说念主史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克发布了轻巧的第二代苹果机,那时阿尔布开克如故科技中心。1985年,他在苹果公司董事会的一次不测方案中被开除,11年后再行回来。在他第二次任职期间,他推出了iMac、iPod 和iPhone。总监查尔斯•麦凯说这段进程是最佳的歌剧素材。
He added: 'We are delighted to take this journey into the life and legacy of a distinctly American figure through the creative genius of Mason Bates and Mark Campbell.' Composer Bates, and Campbell, a librettist, will be co-writing the production. 他还示意:“咱们很状态能通过梅森•贝茨和马克•坎贝尔这两个创意天才之手,去了解这位典型好意思国东说念主的一世相称孝敬。”作曲家贝茨和编剧坎贝尔将共同谱写这部作品。
第四四色Bates said the story of Jobs is a great intersection of creativity, innovation and human communication. His relationship with those who helped him along that journey also will help tell the story in the opera, Bates added. 贝茨说,乔布斯的故事很好地联合了创造力、更正和东说念主类调换这三种元素。在乔布斯的一世中,好多东说念主齐曾匡助过他,他们之间的谈判将有助于歌剧故事的叙述。
He said: 'Each character will have their own music. When they collide, that's when it gets interesting.' 他说:“每个东说念主物齐有我方的音乐。当这些音乐碰撞和会的本领,等于故事的道理地方。”
Vocabulary immortalize: 使永久,使名垂千古 premier: 首映 librettist: 编剧
英文起原:逐日邮报 译者:实习生冯佳佳 审校&裁剪:许晶晶jiusewang